I recently had a commercial photoshoot with rapper Famous Kid Brick for a new headphone brand, Key Series by AUSounds. The brand is big in China but few know it here and they are looking to influencers like Kid Brick to help endorse the product. And since the company is based in Denver, they booked me to be their Denver commercial photographer for this photoshoot and we had a blast.
He showed up in a limo and we started early, 8am on 4/20 (yes, 4/20 in Denver). He introduced himself as “Brick”. He was super nice and was very complimentary of me and my work, saying he’d seen my Instagram and loves my work and was excited to work together. Awesome! So we quickly got started as he only had about 45 minutes.
He wore his sunglasses the entire time, which I normally wouldn’t recommend, but for a rapper with his style, it works. Product photography with headphones can be tough because they are so small and you lose the product easily, especially for someone with his style. But wearing all-black helped the product standout a little bit, even with all the bling he was wearing.
I’ve really enjoyed doing more commercial lifestyle photography in Denver lately. Having a celebrity endorsement and shooting more lifestyle commercial photography is something that really gets me excited. More and more brands have been reaching out to me for this kind of stuff and it’s exactly where I want to take my business.
Commercial Photographer in Denver
If you represent a brand in the Denver area (or anywhere) and are looking for a lifestyle commercial photographer, I’d love to provide you and your brand high quality images of your products or services for your marketing and social media channels. If you are looking for additional content outside of Denver to add variety to your library of images, I offer sessions while I travel (check travel schedule). I can arrange models in most places and allow brands a low cost way of getting international content without paying travel fees.